On-site info
We’ll be provided with organic, vegetarian catering for the entire conference by our friends from Gaumenfreundinnen.
If you observe uncomfortable situations, discriminatory, boundary-crossing, and/or physical assaults, ask the affected person if they need help and/or get someone from our uxcon vienna team.
We, the uxcon vienna team, can be recognized by our team shirts.
In your participant email, you’ll find a link to sign up for our online tool.
There, you can create a profile and connect with all the registered attendees (both online and in-person).
You can also show if you’re available for job opportunities or if you’re hiring.
Additionally, you’ll get access to our Miro event board, where there’s even more to explore.
We'reincluding the option of adding your pronouns to your name badge, so we canaddress each other correctly and respectfully.
This shows us which pronouns to use when we refer to you.
Here are some pronouns you might see:
- “He/Him” means you’d like to be referred to with “he” and “him.”
- "She/Her” means you’d like to be referred to with “she” and “her.”
- “They/Them”means you’d like to be referred to with “they” and “them”.
- "She/They" means you're comfortable with being referred to using either "she/her or"they/them".
- "He/They" means you're comfortable with being referred to using either "he/him"or "they/them".
- “Xe/Xem” meansyou’d like to be referred to with “xe” and “xem”.
- “Ze/Hir”means you’d like to be referred to with “ze” and “hir”.
For more info on pronoun usage, check out this guide.
Feel free to add your pronouns to your badge if you’d like!
If you’re not sure how someone wishes to be addressed, it’s best to just ask them.
By keeping the conversation open, we aim to raise awareness, create connection, berespectful and help contribute to an inclusive space for all.
Due to some limitations at Expedithalle, we couldn’t label the restrooms as unisex. Instead, we’ve used symbols to help guide you. The doors will provide information about each restroom’s use. It’s important to us that you know our restrooms are for everyone, so please feel free to use whichever one you’re most comfortable with.